quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008

Filosofia do Cotidiano

Ontem, após o almoço, à espera do cafézinho, eu folheava o jornal e ria comigo mesma da imagem de um funcionário de circo se agarrando às pernas de uma elefanta sendo apreendida por funcionários do IBAMA e policiais.
"A vida é um circo," espirei pensamento.
Minha mãe, que passava pelo recinto, de sopetão, retrucou:
"E nós somos os palhaços."

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

English Lessons
When it was Desdemona’s time
to sing,
so little life remaining,
she did not weep for love, her star-crossed star,
But sang, “Willow, Willow, Willow”.

When it was Desdemona’s time
to sing, the murmur of her song
Breathed life into stone
through the darkest of days
while her black daemon prepared
her bed of weeping streams.

When Ophelia’s time came
to sing, so little life remaining,
all the way dry within her soul was swept away
like so many straws from haystacks in a storm.

When Ophelia’s time came
to sing, the bitterness of her tears
was more than she could bear
and the laurel garlands that she held
were of willow and of columbine.

Beyond their grief, they strode
and entered with faint hearts,
the stars that are the universe
and quenched their flesh with other worlds.

Boris Pasternak

Anônimo disse...

English Lessons
When it was Desdemona’s time
to sing,
so little life remaining,
she did not weep for love, her star-crossed star,
But sang, “Willow, Willow, Willow”.

When it was Desdemona’s time
to sing, the murmur of her song
Breathed life into stone
through the darkest of days
while her black daemon prepared
her bed of weeping streams.

When Ophelia’s time came
to sing, so little life remaining,
all the way dry within her soul was swept away
like so many straws from haystacks in a storm.

When Ophelia’s time came
to sing, the bitterness of her tears
was more than she could bear
and the laurel garlands that she held
were of willow and of columbine.

Beyond their grief, they strode
and entered with faint hearts,
the stars that are the universe
and quenched their flesh with other worlds.